by Penny Cook | Jun 29, 2021 | Podcast
Episode 036: Cristina Tahoces listen on DESCRIPTION In this episode, we talk to Cristina Tahoces, Holistic Nutritionist about her popular TedX Talk: Sleep, Love, Poop. Speaking from personal experience and professional wisdom, Cristina walks us through the signs of...
by Adrienne Enns | Jun 12, 2021 | Joy Journal |
Summer is a great time to rejuvenate and we have 5 great Summer self-care practices for you to enjoy! Tip #1 – Get Outside Many of us have spent a lot of Winter and COVID being more sedentary than we may normally be. Summer is a great opportunity to enjoy the...
by Adrienne Enns | Mar 19, 2021 | Joy Journal |
I want to give you a good look inside the May You Know Joy Membership! I’m going to try to capture the experience of it because that’s what it’s all about. For example, you know the difference between being at an awesome concert and telling someone about it. It’s...
by Penny Cook | Mar 9, 2021 | Podcast
Episode 028: Jackie Shawn listen on DESCRIPTION Jackie and I have a beautiful conversation about what “Sovereign Beauty” means. She shares what her illustrious career has taught her about beauty and invites us into the world of her Wholistic Beauty Lab. Jackie is...
by Adrienne Enns | Dec 1, 2020 | Joy Journal |
Let’s create an awesome New Year intention setting practice! Hopefully, between all of the festivities you can find some downtime for self-care. Find a quiet spot and use this time to reflect and decide what it is you want to create moving forward. While you can...