about me
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their shadow. One does not become enlightened by imagining a figure of light, but by making their darkness conscious.”
― Carl Jung
Finding joy and living with intention.
If I have learned one thing on this journey, it’s that all of the little things we do every single day make a big difference. In fact, they can have a profound and transformative effect over time.
That’s why I create our beautiful May You Know Joy intention card decks. I want to remind us that self-care and mindful living can be simple and inspired daily practices.
All decks are created from the heart and come from years of journaling, listening and experiencing life. I believe we need to be open and curious and willing to show up in an intentional way.
Creating a life we love.
Like you, I found this path through trial and error. My most pivotal moment came 11 years ago. I had to get sober and while riddled with shame, this has been a true gift. This journey taught me not to be defined by my worst moments. I realized how much energy I’d put into my own self-destruction and wondered what I could do if I used that energy for good? I also decided that if I was going to go to all the trouble to turn my life around then, I wanted to create a life that I loved and that felt meaningful to me.
Choose joy.
Since launching May You Know Joy 8 years ago now, our line has expanded, we’re now in over 400 stores across North America and I’ve gotten to hear from so many of you. I never could have imagined that my path would lead me here.
I want to remind you to choose joy. My personal intention setting practices are something that have gotten me through many difficult times. By being intentional, we’re mindfully showing up for ourselves and that’s a beautiful thing. Practice your intentions when you feel awesome. Connect to that joy. And, practice you intentions on the tough days because even the simplest attention to self-care or gratitude can really change things.
I always want to remind you that every small step matters. You may not feel the immediate effects but, they’re happening.

Leading you back to yourself.
There are an amazing selection of card deck themes including joy, self-care, gratitude, love and recovery. All are different but, all roads lead you back to you. May you use these cards along with whatever practices make you feel revitalized and nourished. This is not a to-do list item but, a gift from you to you.
my philosophy
“For most of your life, you’ve lived at the effect of your experiences. Now, you’re invited to be the cause of them. That is what is known as conscious living. This is what is called walking in awareness.”
― Neale Donald Walsh
My life philosophy is simple.
Intentional living means we choose how we’re going to show up in the world. It connects us to our deepest truth, our highest good and our most fulfilling life. Being intentional is about being mindful and choosing. Choosing joy is one of those choices.
We all have raw material in our lives and it’s what we do with it that matters.
I have found that by choosing to show up intentionally,
life can be pretty damn incredible.
Please don’t be fooled into believing that living intentionally and in alignment with joy means life isn’t messy, raw or fraught with uncertainty. It is. It always will be. That’s life. Let’s just choose to show up and meet it differently. That feels worthwhile, purposeful and full of love, possibility and freedom.
And, it’s not grand, sweeping gestures that make the biggest difference.
It’s all of the small things that we do every day that have
the most cumulative and profound effect.
While suffering is part of the human experience, I believe we are meant to be joyful, do good work, have meaningful relationships and experiences – and leave this world a little better than we found it.
I believe that intentional days create a life on purpose.