by Adrienne Enns | Jan 11, 2021 | Joy Journal |
Let me begin by saying there are no rules when it comes to using cards. They are meant to be an ally and an inspiration so, use them with joy! If you’re looking for a place to start, here we go: Choosing a Card There are 2 ways to choose cards: You can choose a card...
by Adrienne Enns | Dec 1, 2020 | Joy Journal |
Let’s create an awesome New Year intention setting practice! Hopefully, between all of the festivities you can find some downtime for self-care. Find a quiet spot and use this time to reflect and decide what it is you want to create moving forward. While you can...
by Adrienne Enns | Apr 3, 2017 | Joy Journal |
This mini-deck contains 42 bite-sized ideas that can shift your day. I’ve written several blog posts recently about my May You Know Joy cards. They are my first born, after all. And they’re where this journey to joy really began. But let’s not forget about their...
by Adrienne Enns | Feb 20, 2017 | Joy Journal |
This is the story of how May You Know Joy cards came to be. On a trip to BC to visit my sister, I stumbled upon Elizabeth MacLeod’s Wild Woman Mystery Cards ( I was captivated by the whimsical illustrations and the empowering words centred...
by Adrienne Enns | Aug 15, 2016 | Joy Journal |
As you will have already gathered from this site and my work, I’m aspiring to curate a joyful life and if I can inspire or empower you do to the same – even in some small way – it would be my pleasure and my honour. This weekly blog will take its...