by Adrienne Enns | May 26, 2021 | Joy Journal |
What is Intention Setting? I get this question a lot … what is intention setting? People tell me they’ve heard it but, want to know what intention setting really means. Let’s explore! What Led Me to Discovering Intention Setting First, let me begin by telling you...
by Penny Cook | Apr 6, 2021 | Podcast
Episode 030: Caroline Meyer listen on DESCRIPTION Caroline has been my Naturopath for years and we have also collaborated on many wellness workshops. She is also a regular contributor to the May You Know Joy Membership where she guides us in aligning our most...
by Penny Cook | Mar 23, 2021 | Podcast
Episode 029: Liz Diaz listen on DESCRIPTION Joining us from Peru, Liz shares her own incredible journey of spiritual awakening. Her experience has led her to deeply explore how we can embody intention. She explores healing through intuitive movement (specifically...
by Penny Cook | Oct 13, 2020 | Podcast
Episode 021: Tony Colley listen on DESCRIPTION In this episode, I talk to Tony Colley who is the Founder and CEO of B12Give. B12Give is an app that recirculates prepared food from retailers/restaurants/venues to homeless shelters in Toronto. He shares his own...
by Penny Cook | Jun 30, 2020 | Podcast
Episode 010: Justyna Sanders, MD listen on DESCRIPTION In this episode, we talk to the inspiring and smart, Justyna Sanders MD. Not only does Justyna share her journey but, she takes us through her battle with depression and how it led her to be a leader in...