by Adrienne Enns | Jul 1, 2021 | Joy Journal |
Today, we’re going to explore how to create joy every day. It’s simple and you can do it. For that matter, why wouldn’t you want to? Through my recovery from addiction (now, 9+ years sober), I’ve learned a lot about joy (and all things not joy). First, I came to... by Penny Cook | Jun 29, 2021 | Podcast
Episode 036: Cristina Tahoces listen on DESCRIPTION In this episode, we talk to Cristina Tahoces, Holistic Nutritionist about her popular TedX Talk: Sleep, Love, Poop. Speaking from personal experience and professional wisdom, Cristina walks us through the signs of... by Adrienne Enns | Jun 25, 2021 | Joy Journal |
Today, I want to encourage you to take time for some Summer Intention setting. While we usually associate the New Year with a more robust intention setting and new year’s resolution practice, I want to remind you that Summer may be a great addition or alternative. A... by Adrienne Enns | Jun 18, 2021 | Joy Journal |
Creating Through My Own Recovery The May You Know Joy in Recovery card deck project is deeply important to me. At the time of writing this post and launching these cards into the world, I am over 9 years sober – rounding in on a decade! Holy $#% If you haven’t... by Adrienne Enns | Jun 18, 2021 | Joy Journal |
I’m filled with joy to introduce you to the new May You Know Gratitude intention card deck! This is just the most beautiful and natural extension to our current line-up of intention card products. Gratitude and Intention Setting Go Hand in Hand In all my time talking...