Episode 037: Nadine McNeil
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In this episode, we talk to Nadine McNeil, Universal Empress, about living a truly intentional life. We have a rich conversation about navigating crises and how these tough times are always opportunities. Nadine is wise, compassionate and a very engaging story-teller. I enjoy her honesty so much. There is a lot of wisdom here for anyone at any stage on their spiritual journey. I know you will find beautiful perspective and a lot of inspiration. Enjoy listening!
(00:50) Nadine’s Bio
(04:40) How we met
(06:20) How crisis offers us immense opportunity
(09:40) Witness suffering and crisis
(10:33) Where do we find the opportunity?
(12:37) People are craving human connection
(13:43) There’s nothing to fix & loving ourselves
(16:02) Life as a speedometer, managing worry and showing up
(19:20) Softening our shoulders and our hearts
(20:00) Leaning into our feelings
(22:25) How do we open up to ourselves & social connection
(24:43) Safe spaces for men
(28:15) Simple ways to start to ground
(31:51) Beautiful ways to live intentionally
(40:00) How do we move forward
(45:00) Adrienne does a card pull
(46:50) How to follow Nadine and connect with her
Nadine McNeil is no stranger to moments of crisis. A global gallivanter who goes by the moniker Universal Empress online, for nearly two decades, prior to her deep dive into yoga in 2008, Nadine travelled the world in service of the UN, UNICEF, Global Volunteer Network and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. She was the former UN Chief of Operations in the Central African Republic and UNICEF humanitarian who is now based in Bali as a yoga instructor and personal coach. These and other experiences rooted Nadine’s continued devotion to activism. She is a yoga teacher, speaker, wisdom mentor and humanitarian and her mission is to ignite infinite possibility in people around the world and share yoga especially with diverse underserved communities. Inspired by her firsthand encounters with both the resilience of the human spirit and also its suffering, Nadine’s talks, workshops, yoga sessions, Women’s Circles and retreats are continually described as powerful, moving and insightful. As her Women’s Circles continue to gain global traction, women from across the world who have sat with her in Circle, have returned to their communities to offer this necessary and important work. Her mantra for this work is: when one of us suffers we all suffer. Yet when one of us heals, we all heal.
Website: www.universalempress.com
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