Episode 010: Justyna Sanders, MD
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In this episode, we talk to the inspiring and smart, Justyna Sanders MD. Not only does Justyna share her journey but, she takes us through her battle with depression and how it led her to be a leader in functional and integrative medicine and an important champion for a wholefood, plant-based diet.
What I love about this episode is that Justyna really gives us an insight a revolutionary way of looking at our optimal health and how we heal. And – we also bring it right back down to basics and where we can start today – with our mindset.
Justyna uses the beautiful metaphor of an orchestra. The symphony of our overall and optimal health can begin one instrument and one note at a time.
Give it a listen. Warning: there’s some pretty powerful evidence here and you may just want to change your life!
(00:50) Justyna’s Bio
(03:17) How Justyna’s early years influenced her
(04:24) Her path to become a doctor
(06:03) The year her world crumbled
(08:38) Justyna’s struggle with depression
(12:30) Justyna’s integrative approach to healing and well-being
(13:30) Focussing on functional & integrative medicine
(15:28) Justyna’s view of the future of medicine
(17:05) Shifting our perspective – in the field and on an individual level
(19:46) Where to start in shifting our knowledge and optimizing medicine
(21:05) A whole food, plant-based diet can reverse heart disease
(22:04) About chronic disease, root causes and inflammation
(24:15) Reducing inflammation leads to reducing and reversing disease
(24:50) Mental health
(25:21) The remarkable difference mindful help can make
(28:17) What small steps can we take and where can we start? If you only listen to 15 minutes of this episode, start here.
(34:40) Our next steps once we have our mindset onside
(34:59) A beautiful metaphor of the orchestra for wholistic health
(36:32) How to connect with Justyna and access her work
Justyna Sanders, M.D., is a California-based Medical Doctor, CEO and Founder of Prescription Lifestyle LLC. She completed her medical training at Poznan University of Medical Sciences and has a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from McMaster University. Dr. Sanders is a Medical Lifestyle Transformation Specialist™, is certified in Plant-Based Nutrition, is a public health researcher and visionary for transforming the field of medicine. As an expert in chronic disease reversal, whole food plant-based nutrition, using lifestyle as medicine™ and prevention, Dr. Sanders frequently speaks at various different events, but is most known for her Google Talk and TEDx Talk. Dr. Sanders’ sincere hope is that through her work, she will inspire and empower people to take autonomy of their own health and ultimately aid in the transformation of medicine.
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