Episode 040: Sheri Johnson
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In this episode, we have a beautiful, rich and deeply personal conversation with Sheri Johnson who is a Pregnancy Loss Recovery Coach. If you have experienced a miscarriage or have people in your life navigating this, this episode is a must-listen. We talk about grief, loss, life experiences and how to move forward. We also talk about how we can get and give great support. As you know, I believe that our toughest life experiences can often be our greatest teachers and an opportunity to find joy – if we allow it. This is a very beautiful example of joy.
Sheri is the founder of Sheri Johnson coaching, creator of Journey to Joy After Miscarriage and the Love & Loss Podcast. She is passionate about helping women recover physically, emotionally and spiritually after pregnancy loss. After 3 miscarriages and 6 years of infertility, she discovered a process for navigating the emotions of it all using mindfulness tools and essential oils. She has turned that into a coaching program that teaches other women how to journey from grief and triggers to a place of peace and joy. You can learn the steps to her process in her free PDF download.
Sheri’s mission is to help women recover physically, emotionally and spiritually after pregnancy loss. When you hit rock bottom, it is an opportunity to awaken, to change, to grow and to rise. It’s Sher’s passion to help women rise through their loss.
Website: www.sherijohnson.ca
Instagram: @miscarriageloveandloss
Facebook: Miscarriage – Love and Loss