I want to share a love letter to you if you’re struggling.
3 events prompted me to write what’s been in me for awhile. First, an order came through for the May You Know Joy in Recovery card deck. I happened to learn that they were for a young woman struggling with addiction and recovery and I wrote her a personal note. Second, I spoke at an event about how people helped me and what kind of help made a difference. Finally, the woman who played an integral role in my own recovery is passing on any day now and it’s given me great pause for reflection. I hope this love letter meets you in this moment.
A love letter to you if you’re struggling.
Dear beautiful you,
I see you.
I know you are in the depths of your pain, the struggle is mighty and the way forward feels like tripping through the fog.
I want you to keep going. You’re tired. Maybe even exhausted. Rest & nourish yourself and that is also moving forward.
I’m reminding you that you are beautiful. The world needs the best of you.
You are not your struggles.
These struggles are only here to teach you. They’re meant to bring you back to the depths of your truest self and also raise you to the fullest expression of who you are meant to be.
Find people to help you. People who will listen and find you the resources you need.
You do not need to be fixed. But, you do need to ground into your wholeness and step fully into the life you are meant to lead.
Have great reverence for your life and your time here. Feel your anger, rage, frustration, anguish and resentment. Scream it out if you need to.
And, when it has moved through you, allow yourself to love again.
Love yourself. Maybe just a bit at first. Show yourself some kindness and compassion. Be on your own side and let things be OK.
Allow that heart to open and let love in. Let us remember what joy feels like. Seek out those things that make you laugh and draw you toward bliss.
Let the pain of the struggles go and turn your face toward the sun.
These struggles are here as wise guides and teachers. Leave the pain and take the lessons.
You are beautiful, powerful and loved. You are not alone. Find your people. Love them and let them love you.
And when it’s all said and done, share your wisdom with someone who is struggling.
Let’s lift each other up, celebrate this life and dance our way home.
PS – If you are seeking inspiration to help you come home to yourself, here are some great resources:
I’m biased but, my intention decks are simple yet, powerful inspiration. They come out of my own struggle with addiction. (Now, 9 years sober and forever grateful)
We have an incredible membership of authentic and beautiful souls. If you are seeking a relaxed yet, inspiring community, check it out here.
And – in The Intention Sessions podcast episodes we talk to many inspiring people who share their own struggles and stories of moving through. Perhaps you will find one that speaks to you.
Reach out to people. They want to help you XO