Episode 046: Emma Kupu Mitchell
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I was keen to have Emma on this end of year podcast as I wanted her to share a astrological forecast and she did just that! There is a wealth of information in this conversation from giving us a contextual framework from 2021, to forecasting what we can expect in 2022 and the numerological significance of next year.
Much of what she shared had me thinking about it for a long time afterward – particularly her comments about balancing our inner and outer worlds. May this conversation provide you an interesting perspective on what’s to come and inspire your journey forward!
Emma Kupu Mitchell is a Soul Medicine Artist. She has been a practitioner of holistic therapies for over 30 years, including clinical Aromatherapy, Plant Medicine, Ayurveda, Depth Numerology, Elemental Astrology with an emphasis on the Moon, Yoga Nidra, and Sound Healing. Her passion lies in elemental and shamanic astrology (particularly the lunar/moon wisdom). Her intention is to demystify and share these teachings with you in practical ways and invite you to embody these wisdoms into your every day to create greater health, harmony and alignment in all areas of our lives.
Website: www.emmakupumitchell.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulguidekupu/